Teulu Tefeca - Celebrating 250 Years

How many times can you sing the same song with enthusiasm?


The television company Elidir came to Trefeca to record a programme in the series Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Canmol which was to include one or two songs from the children.

The room was full of cameras, mikes, lighting, recording machines, production staff, technical staff, teachers, musicians and their instruments. There was not a lot of room for the children. They were arranged in three rows with the rear row on benches. They remained standing or sitting in their places without complaining.

They sang the first song once to practice and then once or twice to record the sound. Then again to record the pictures.

The whole process was repeated with the second song and then back to the first to film the piano, guitar and bass that were providing the accompaniment.

Through the whole morning the singing was excellent. They sang in tune and the words were clear. There was lots of enthusiasm and broad smiles.

In the end the producers decided to use both songs in the programme which was broadcast on 2 June.

An excellent performance but the work was not yet finished. After lunch there was a rehearsal to do!


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Last updated 8/8/2002